Roland Gareis Consulting organizeaza a cincea editie a conferintei internationale pe teme de management de proiect Happy Projects, in data de 25 de noiembrie, la hotel Novotel, Bucuresti.

Vor lua cuvantul Univ. Prof. Dkfm. Roland Gareis si presedintele PMI Romania, Simona Bonghez.

15:00: Conferinta s-a incheiat.

14:36: Dagmar Zuchi a invitat participantii sa se organizeze in grupuri si sa discute despre comunicarea externa.

14.28: What can I actively do in order to make the change successful?

14.19: I’d like to show how I did it: as a context, the company is part of the city administration in Vienna. The organization was undergoing several developments in which essential processes of the organization have been professionalized.  The organization faced new challenges, such as high cost pressure. The management decided to undergo a transformation.  Interrupting the routine – defining a vision – making decisions – implementing – stabilization.

14.04: Usually in transformation there is a high social complexity. There are many employees who refuse to adapt to the transformation. This is a big challenge. We have a high dynamic, time pressure in changing. Concerning the methods: content related methods: strategic management, personnel, marketing, controlling and financing, budget, business case analysis; process related methods: design of the change process, project and programme management, communication methods.  Considering the Change management roles : change owner, change manager, change agent, change expert, change team, change management consultant.

14.02: The processes of transformation are planning the transformation, implementing the transformation and stabilizing the organization.

14.00: We try to implement sales department, we try to develop this department in order to reach our objectives. I work for Ericsson, I am implementing the Ericsson Center in Romania.

13.58: Dagmar le cere participantilor sa faca acelasi lucru, dar de aceasta data din punctul de vedere al proiectului pe care il au in derulare.

13:55: Din public: I am from Vodafone, we are in the transforming phase, for profitability.

13.48: The question is how much we need to change? What do we really look at? Structures, objectives, strategies, services, products, personnel, infrastructure, financing, culture and context: relevant social environments (clients, suppliers, authorities). We do not change too many identity dimensions.

13:46: Am revenit in sala de conferinte. Reprezentantul Roland Gareis din Viena, Dagmar Zuchi, a preluat microfonul.


12.48: Simona Bonghez: Va uram pofta buna!

12.47: Roland: Bog’art’s position is very good in comparison with other organizations. The major challenge is process management. The more standardized the processes are, the more succesful you’ll be.

12.45: Din public: proiectul este foarte mare, din experienta stiu ca e greu de anticipat riscurile. Sorin: Orice proiect are un risc. Avem un soft special si oameni specializati in anticiparea riscurilor.

12.41: Sorin: concluzia ar fi clara. Noi am facut un management prost. Firma Bog’art a avut o evolutie permanenta, nu doar datorita proiectelor, ci datorita faptului ca am creat niste valori in organizatie. Acest contur nu poate fi mai restrans de atat, dimpotriva.

12.41: Din public: m-as intoarce la spider-web si va intreb care ar fi reactia Bog’art daca in 2012 se va restrange in continuare?

12.38:  Simona: dezvoltarea nu a fost punctuala. A fost un plan si o viziune care s-a etapizat intr-o functie de abordare teoretica.  Ca si concluzii, o sa va spun despre modul in care am vazut avantajele in acest mod de schimbare.

12.37: Sorin: planurile de viitor: dorim sa implementam la nivel de companie partea de process management. Nu am vrea sa ne oprim la companiile de grup, pentru ca noi lucram cu un numar foarte de antreprenori si furnizori, acest lucru ne va ajuta sa obtinem un numar de succese mult mai mare. Cream o comunicare mult mai buna intre companiile din grup si sa obtinem o strategie mult mai eficienta. Consider ca dezvoltarea managementului intr-o organizatie este necesara pentru a face fata dificultatilor.

12.33: Simona: Am simtit din nou necesitatea suportului organizatiei pentru a finaliza proiectul cu succes.

12.32: Noi lucram si la Catedrala Neamului care intra in categoria celor care trebuie sa reziste peste 500 de ani.

12.24: Sorin: dupa ce am terminat cu implementare, dupa o perioada am spus: „ok, noi ne obisnuim unii cu ceilalti in interiorul organizatiei”, dar cum comunicam cu un consultant extern. Am realizat un audit la 6 proiecte in derulare. A fost analizata partea de porfoliu de MP. Un plan de viitor este sa extindem implementarea standardului Bog’Art si la restul firmelor din grup, cu scopul de a avea un limbaj comun. La partea de process management, am constatat ca nu este suficient sa avem un bun MP pentru ca la nivelul santierelor se realizeaza un process management. Am creat o harta a proceselor. Am definit un concept in vederea vanzarilor Bog’art pentru ca piata Bucurestiului s-a subtiat. Dorim sa ne extindem si pe alte piere.

12.21: Am construit acest work-breakdown-structure in functie de ce a trebuit sa implementam in timpul proiectului.

12.16: Simona: se va arata ce s-a intamplat dupa acea perioada de sedimentare a noilor moddalitati. S-a lansat Bog’art Integration. Tendinta oricarei organizatii: sa fie acoperitoare constant pe toate dimensiunile majore. Obiectivele proiectului a insemnat atat auditarea proiectelor, pe baza metodologiei deja acceptate, cat si consultanta in anumite proiecte.

12:14: Sorin: definindu-ne ca o organizatie orientata pe proiecte. In felul asta am imbinat partea de profesionalism in MP cu metodele de comunicare. Probabil ca un departament sa asigure partea de comunicare ar fi fost un cost inutil. Pot spune dupa o perioada de 2 ani. Comunicarea a progresat semnificativ.

Competitie: Astept sa se califice si apoi sa ii atrag in firma mea. Poate vor pierde cateva licitatii pentru ca se concentreaza pe altceva.

Team member: (Roland) I am happy as I am, so leave alone.

Line manager: Eu ce mai fac, daca totul fac managerii de proiect? Nu am decat sa ma transform in project owner.

Project manager: O noua provocare dpdv profesional cat si relational.

Client: Intarzieri in implementarea proiectului.

Manager de linie: Eu cu cine mai lucrez acum?

12.02: Potential client: de ce v-ati apucat de proiectul asta la mijlocul cladirii mele?

12.00 Simona invita in fata cativa participanti care sa reprezinte un proprietar de proiect, line manager, project manager, team members, supplier, clientii sau competitia.

11.50: Simona Bonghez invita participantii la discutii.

11.45: Simona: in ceea ce priveste schimbarea. Evident am incercat sa ducem aceasta dezvoltare sub forma de proiect. Legat de relatia cu oamenii. Nu e usor, intotdeauna gasesti o reticenti la schimbare. Extrem de important este felul in care a fost implementata schimbarea. Seful PMO a preluat partea de comunicare.  Toate documentele au fost disponibile pe Intranet, ce inseamna un proiect, care este metodologia. In aceasta schimbare, s-au stabilit roluri clare. Managerii de proiect au devenit involuntar promoteri ai schimbarii si prin modul in care au inteles sa aplice noile cerinte. Ganditi-va ca toate proiecte au fost adaptate noilor cerinte.

11.39: Sorin: pe partea MP, am reusit sa dezvoltam un standard propriu. De ce am nevoie de asa ceva, daca pana acum a fost bine? Am constat de-alungul timpului ca sunt multe cursuri Mp, dar particularizarea pentru necesitatile firmei era un „must”. Mai mult, managerii de proiect nu erau ai nimanui. Cu alte, cuvinte, era nevoie sa se imita; acest grup de MP ne asigura performanta proiectelor in care ne-am angajat. Am reusit sa cream o baza de date complexa. Un alt rezultat a fost PM office inffintat, reusind sa centralizam intr-un mod coerent, absolut toate datele legate de proiecte. Toti managerii avand un real suport in proiectele pe care le deruleaza. Au fost finalizate cu succes 2 training-uri. PM2 fiind cel mai lung, de 10 luni. Fiind necesara intelegerea la nivel macro si de detaliu. Cred ca cu ocazia asta, majoritatea care au participat au fost motivati de a invata lucruri de desfasurare a activitati intr-un mod fluent. S-a lucrat la comunicare si am obtinut aceasta dezvoltare organizationala trecand efectiv de la o constructie matriceala la una structurata.

11.37. Simona: ei si-au dorit proiecte care sa beneficieze de autonomie. Si ca Bog’art sa devina un loc placut de munca. O sa ii dau cuvantul lui Sorin.

11:32. Intelegem sa respectam anumite respective specifice managementului de proiect pentru ca asa trebuie sau pentru ca asa au fost impuse? Bog’art a primit o metodologie noua. O sa va prezentam proiectul Bog’art care a inceput in 2009. Nr contractelor a scazut peste tot in contextul crizei. Ei s-au orientat pe dezvoltarea interna. Ce ne-am propus ca si obiective: dezvoltarea portofoliul de management de proiect si guideline-ului. Asa a aparut Project management Office. A existat un imens volum de cunostinte practice. Dificultatea a constat in aplicarea metodologiei – Planificarea pasilor urmatori.

11:25. Sorin Greu: este prezentat istoricul firmei Bog’Art si toate fabricile subsidiare. Grupul Bog’art are 1800 de angajati. O firma noua e Facility Management, lucrarile noaste de referinta au fost banci, cladiri de birouri, hoteluri, spitale. In continuare sunt in acelasi sector, nu avem intentii de diverisificare a business-ului nostru, ci sa-l facem bine si sa ne pastram pozitia pe piata. Simona: As vrea sa numesc cateva dintre persoanele care au contribuit. Ii avem printre noi pe managerii de proiect de la cladirea de la City Gate, cladirea Ambasadei Americane, managerul de resurse umane care are grija ca oamenii sa fie muncitori pe santier. Urmatorul subiect este partea de retele de proiecte: ce a inseamna schimbarea in Bog’Art.

11.21: Participantii au revenit in sala. Simona Bonghez a preluat microfonul. Simona: Prezentarea de acum se refera la un studiu cu doua proiecte. O organizatie mare. Il am alaturi de mine pe Sorin Greu. Eu va povestesc despre proiect si Sorin va arata rezultatele proiectului. Cand vb despre further developing, nu este o schimbare care sa dea schimbarea peste cap, ci pur si simplu un avans al organizatiei pe diverse trepte de dezvoltare. Agenda noastra este destul de simpla. Sorin o sa va povesteasca ce inseamna azi Bog’art pe piata. Care sunt problemele pe care le intampina organizatia in contextul crizei. Vom vorbi despre project orientation Bog’art si Bog’art Integration.


10:50: Participantii merg in pauza de cafea.

10:46: Roland invita participantii la discutii cu privire la programul anterior prezentat. Din public: when are you going to buy the equipment for the hospital? Alexandra: we want to get the most advanced equipment, so we will do it a few months before the opening of the hospital.

10.42: We changed many identities. We have to take a look at all at once. This is what’s very important for us: yes, we can make it! Some things cannot be changed in the middle of the programme: the promises to the stakeholders. We had to do a lot of marketing, everything is easier and clearer right now. Having more project under the roof of one programme. The project managers have to report to the programme manager.

10.40: We build a stake-holder community, we report them how the programme is going on.

10.33:  Each project has project managers. You have to make sure that they don’t spend have of their time in meetings. We fin out that this was for some very diffcult to manage. A very important thing is holistic point of view from the members of your team. We took this holistic perception, and is not so easy to take a person in this construction site. We did a lot of risk analysis. Complexity matters. We need to understand what can happen to the investment if we don’t take good care of it in time.

10.30 We managed 450 people here. Personnel planning from a hospital is something of strong complexity.

10:28: Sunt prezentate obiectivele: economic, ecologic and social objectives.  This brought us to create this chain of projects onthe 1st octobet 2011, we are now in the planning period.

10:24: The sustainability charter can be downloaded from our website. I will discuss a few management approaches. From 2007 till 2008, there was this vision. You can see how the project was organized in a chain. It’s very important when we have such big system like this, you need to find manageable sequences and work load. We created a programme with Roland Gareis … We are very satisfied. You have your timetable, which needs to be fulfilled.

10:18: Alexandra Loidl: Change management in the Hospital North Project from Vienna. Now I am programme manager. I am the programme manager at this hopital, a very large company, we are doing a restructure of our organization. There is a change of the whole system. It was very important thing will meet the requirements of the stake-holders. Initial investment is 825 million euros.

10.12: Roland:  the objects are the services for the company, the personnel, the stake-holder relationships.

10:08. Roland invita participantii la discutii despre tema schimabilor. DIn public: I was curious to know why wasn’t there anything specified regarding people? Roland: good point, I think there is adanger if you focus on the people too much. The identity model I have presented is very comprehensive, there is the market, we are not allowed never to forget about the people but I think that we need to create sustainable structures for the people.

10.05: As is said in the begging: Project and organizations are objects of change. The reasons are clear because complexity, dynamics, self-reference.  When we manage more differentiated theres is a big chance for sustainability.

10.03: Sunt prezentate: the IDP portfolio, Masterplan, Interdepency Matrix.

10.01: Once you are done, usually is happy. But to make sure, you need to stabilize the organization. In transforming there are major challenges: high social complexity, high dynamics, key objectives like contribute to increasing BCR’s profitability.  The program was concluded after 21 months.

9.57: Sunt prezentate: project objectives plan, work-breakdown-structure. We are not just implementing a procedure or coach their personnel but contribute to the cultural change of this company. This should help them in presenting their services. We need to look at the infrastructure. We need a software support. Also we need to be prepared for some resistance. If we just do a training in a company. Finally, I come to the transformation part: reasons, objectives, priorities, management, challenges.

9.55: I had the chance to work for a romanian installation company (electrical, plumbing) they wanted to develop their maturity. We offered different possibilities.

9:51: Scope, Schedule and costs are not enough. Change: Further developing. Everything is smooth. The challenges is to get good project ownership. The processes are conceptionalized and then you decide to implement it. First we look at the process then ask how do we organize these processes.

9.48: When you develop a product. We redefine how the product is supposed to look like. Companies deal with chances. It’s based on a new potential for the project. You redefine your objectives if there are positive reasons for this change. A structurally determined discontinuity is based on an expected change of the project. Requires a transformantion of the project. Not a discontinuity is the conflict.

9:42. You create this common reality. You check what is going well and what not, not only project scope, cost. Este prezentat un score card ce contine: planning, controlling, project organization, project objectives and context, project environment.  There is a process behind this. Changes request templates. I’d like to focus on discontinuity. There is a difference between risk and discontinuity. We’ are looking for extremes.

9:39: You need to position radically if you are in a crisis situation. We manage differently these changing types. You don’t change the identity of the company by introducing a new product. Let me look at projects. Here we see controlling and resolving a project discontinuity.

9.34: Roland: How it organizes an organization. What’s the infrastructure? By describing this we cand identify the company. We need to identify the object of change, the personnel, the departments, the processes, or maybe we change all of this. This is a way to clarify what we are changing. Change does not only come from the outside. Social business can reflect. What are the objects, why do we change, what kinds of change are there? Organizational learning, further developing, transforming, radical new-position. We will see the example of BCR.

9:29: Roland: how did we actually get to this topic? The community is interested in this topic. It was a lot of context that allowed us to deal with this topic. Your company always links to a change. Projects and programmes change. Usually we talk about project controlling, but not how we deal with change. We can define organizations as social systems. Projects and Programmes are temporary organizations and they can be the subject of change. When we change a company, what do we mean?

9:28: Roland a invitat participantii sa schimbe carti de vizita si sa faca cunostinta.

9.16: Roland: there are 2 basics theses. What’s the relation between projects and changes. We will see how a project was changed into a programme. We will learn how this is happening in Bog’art. Ionut will tell some soft issues in terms of change. This sort of events are never successful when people are not contributing.

9.13: Roland : good morning lady and gens. It’s my pleasure to have you on this event. Thank you for your interest. IT’z good to have you here. This is a contribution to the project management community. Allow me to thank to all the speakers.  Let me introduce the organizers to you: a group of trainers and consultants. We perceive project as a process which requires changes.

9.11: A sunat clopotelul de intrare in sala. Roland Gareis le ureaza bun venit participantilor.

8.54: Univ. Prof. Dkfm. Roland Gareis a intrat in sala si discuta cu cativa dintre participantii la conferinta.

8.45: Participantii se aduna la etajul 1 al hotelului Novotel de pe calea Victoriei, Bucuresti.

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